
Mrs S Meena Sibyil

Though I’ve been thinking that I am leading a normal life , now I understood, how much under utilized my body functions were , first time in years after 38 years of existence in this planet I have learned to breathe properly now, thanks To the live full life program AYUSHMAAN, the AAYUSHMAAN Positive programmed water is sheeer Magic, i lost 5 Kgs, of bad fat, i feel energetic , Happy, and Lively, after a 5 day program, I will come back next month too, Thanks Dr Raman , 

I was at Aayushmaan Nature cure health centre when Dr Raman.S.Velu introduced the positive programmed water, my god , it is amazing, it just dissolves, oil, fat, ghee just like that, absolutely no chemicals , no additives, Not even preservative, Instant results , I beleive this is going to revolutionize health care , All the very best Dr Raman 

DR GowriShankar

MR KUMAR, FROM SINGAPORE, had a fasting sugar of 288 MGDL when he joined aayushmaan, and was on metformin for more than 6 years,

now after 10 days, his fasting sugar is only, 93 MGDL, absolutely no medicines, or drugs at all, 

Mr Kumar, Singapore, reverse diabetes program